Acupressure Points for Period Cramps: Natural Techniques for Relief

Acupressure Points for Period Cramps: Natural Techniques for Relief

Ouch! My stomach, Ahh! My back, Oh no! my legs, damn! I'm getting a headache from it all. Life of an average menstruator in periods. 

I tried eating healthy, drinking a lot of water, exercising, and switching my lifestyle, but nothing helped. This pain is getting on my nerves. Even Google has raised its hands in providing a solution to menstrual cramps.

So now what? Leave it to fate and wait for the menopause?

Well, of course not. Why not try acupressure together? In this blog, we will explore how acupressure offers a natural and safe drug-free approach to tackling period pain without the risk of side effects and ‘kadwi’ home remedies.


Table of Content

  1. What is Acupressure?
  2. How Acupressure Works for Period Cramps
  3. Identifying Key Acupressure Points to Relieve Period Cramps
  4. Tips for Effective Acupressure
  5. Bid farewell to Period Woes with Qnix Period Underwear


1. What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves applying pressure to certain body points to reduce pain and enhance well-being. For centuries, people have utilized this method as a natural treatment for a variety of health issues, among them menstrual cramps or period pain. 

The foundation of acupressure is the idea that applying pressure to certain body points can help balance the flow of ‘Chi’ or energy and remove discomfort. 


2. How Acupressure Works for Period Cramps

Acupressure gives you a holistic approach to period pain relief for all your period woes. Let us see how. 

How Acupressure Works for Period Cramps
  • Encourages Chi Flow: According to traditional Chinese medicine, blockages or stagnation in Chi's movement along the body's channels cause period pain. These blockages are removed by applying pressure to particular acupressure points, enhancing Chi's flow. 
  • This enhanced energy flow might lessen menstrual cramps' associated pain and discomfort.
  • Relieves Muscle Tension: Lower abdominal and pelvic muscle tension is frequently associated with period cramps. By stimulating the acupressure points connected to these regions, menstrual cramps can lessen intensity and tension. 
  • Hormone Regulation: Certain acupressure points are thought to affect the body's hormonal equilibrium. Be it estrogen, progesterone, or any other dancing buddy, acupressure has kept all of it under control, promoting more regular menstrual cycles and lessening discomfort.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation in the reproductive organs can make menstrual cramps worse. Acupressure points have anti-inflammatory properties that help to lessen inflammation and ease related pain and discomfort.
  • Sets off Endorphin Release: Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers. Stimulating acupressure points set the endorphins out of their shell, relieving menstrual cramps and discomfort by inhibiting pain signals and elevating emotions of well-being.


Also Read: Period Bloating: A Complete Guide + 5 Quick Relief Tips


3. Identifying Key Acupressure Points to Relieve Period Cramps

How do I know how and where to apply pressure? 

Well, don't worry—we have listed some of the acupressure points for menstrual relief to help you feel relaxed during your periods.


Liver 3 (LV3)
    LV3 Acupressure Point

    Where is it?

    LV3 is located in the depression created by the first and second metatarsals on the dorsum, or top, of the foot. In particular, it is located roughly two finger-widths above the distance between the big toe's base and the neighbouring second toe. 

    The point is more noticeable when the foot is flexed upward.

    How to find it?

    You can draw a line from the webbing between the big and second toes toward the ankle to precisely locate LV3. Move a little upward until you come to a sore spot or a slight depression after you've reached the area between the big and second toe bones. 

    How to stimulate the point?

    To activate LV3 for healing, firmly press the point with your thumb or index finger. Either press firmly or use a circular motion to press and massage the area, and breathe deeply for one to two minutes.

    You may feel warm or tender when the point is stimulated; this is normal and indicates that you are stimulating it correctly.


    • Relieves menstrual cramps                                                           
    • Reduces bloating
    • Balances hormones                                                                       
    • Improves blood circulation
    • Improves sleep quality                                                                 
    • Reduces stress


    Governing Vessel 4 (GV4)
      GV4 Acupressure Point

      Where is it?

      GV4 lies on the body's midline, slightly above the pubic bone, and about three finger widths below the navel (umbilicus). It is found along the governing vessel meridian, which extends from the top of the head to the coccyx on the spine.

      How to find it?

      Identify the midpoint between the pubic bone and the navel to locate GV4 precisely. Next, descend along the midline until you reach a small depression or sore spot. This is usually where you'll find GV4.

      How to stimulate the point?

      Applying light pressure with the fingertips or thumbs can activate GV4. Circularly apply consistent pressure to the point or hold it there for one to two minutes while taking deep breaths. 

      A dull ache or a warm feeling could be experienced upon stimulation of the point, meaning the activation of the acupressure point.


      • Balances energy
      • Supports reproductive health
      • Minimises menstrual disorders
      • Regulates periods
      • Promotes emotional well-being
      • Pain-free periods


      Also Read: Vaginal Itching Before Period: Causes, Symptoms & Effective Remedies


      Conception Vessel 4 (CV4)
        CV4 Acupressure Point

        Where is it?

        About halfway between the pubic bone and the navel (umbilicus), CV4 is located on the body's midline. It can be located along the front midline of the body or the Conception Vessel meridian.

        How to find it?

        Locate the midpoint between the navel and the pubic bone to locate CV4 precisely. Although CV4 usually lies at this midpoint, individual differences may exist. This may cause you to 

        How to stimulate the point?

        Light pressure applied with the fingertips or thumbs can activate CV4. Circularly apply consistent pressure to the point or hold it there for one to two minutes while taking deep breaths. 

        When the point is stimulated, one may feel warm or have a dull ache, which suggests that the acupressure point is active.


        • Boosts vitality and energy flow 
        • Promotes reproductive health
        • Reduces stress
        • Balances emotions
        • Improves general well-being
        • Enhances digestion and circulation


        Spleen 4 (SP4)
          SP4 Acupressure Point

          Where is it?

          SP4 is located in the depression between the first (big toe) and second metatarsal bones on the inside of the foot. It is specifically located in the middle of the webbing, which runs between the bases of the first and second toes. 

          How to find it?

          Locate the gap between the bases of the first and second toes in order to locate SP4 precisely. Once you find a sore spot or tiny indentation, move your finger down from the area between the toes. This is usually where SP4 is located.

          How to stimulate the point?

          SP4 can be activated by applying light pressure with the thumbs or fingertips. Take deep breaths and hold the pressure for one to two minutes while applying circular pressure to the point. 


          • Harmonizes spleen
          • Combates digestive disorders
          • Relieves menstrual disorders
          • Promotes emotional well-being:
          • Relieves menstrual pain
          • Calms the mind


          Also Read: Feast for Relief: 12 Period-Friendly Foods You Need to Try


          Large Intestine 4 (LI4)
            LI4 Acupressure Point

            Where is it?

            LI4 is located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger on the dorsum, or back, of the hand. It can be located along the arm and hand's Long Intestine Meridian.

            How to find it?

            Bring one hand's thumb and index finger together to locate LI4 precisely. Placing the thumb against the index finger usually places the point at the muscle's highest point, and this is where the LI4 is.

            How to stimulate the point?

            LI4 can be stimulated by applying light pressure with the thumbs or fingertips. Circularly apply consistent pressure to the point or hold it there for one to two minutes while taking deep breaths. 


            • Clears heat from the body
            • Regulates the energy
            • Relieves menstrual discomfort
            • Induces labour


            4. Tips for Effective Acupressure

            • Find the Right Points: Use a reliable reference guide or consult a qualified practitioner to locate the specific acupressure points relevant to your needs. Points may vary slightly in location, so take your time to find the exact spot.
            • Start Gently: Begin with light pressure on the acupressure point and gradually increase it as tolerated. If you're new to acupressure or the point is extremely sensitive, be watchful to apply only a little pressure quickly.
            • Stay Relaxed: When using acupressure, keep your body at ease and choose a comfortable posture. Tension in your muscles can interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment, so try to stay as relaxed as possible.
            • Use Firm Pressure: Apply firm but gentle pressure to the acupressure point using your fingertips, thumbs, knuckles, or specialized acupressure tools. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.
            • Breathe Deeply: Take slow, deep breaths as you apply pressure to the acupressure point. Breathing deeply can help you unwind and improve the benefits of acupressure.
            • Stay Hydrated: To aid in the flow of Chi (vital energy) and enhance general well-being, sip a lot of water before and after acupressure.
            • Be Persistent: Press the acupressure point for one to two minutes or more if necessary. Repeat the technique as many times as necessary to maintain the desired effects throughout the day.
            • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any sensations you experience while applying acupressure. You may feel a dull ache, warmth, or tingling sensation, indicating the acupressure point's activation. Reduce the pressure or stop altogether if you feel any sharp pain or discomfort.


            5. What is the frequency and duration of Acupressure?

            When using acupressure to treat period cramps, you can customize the frequency and length of sessions to your unique needs and preferences. Try to make time for acupressure sessions every day, particularly in the days before and during your period when cramps are most likely to happen.

            To relieve discomfort and keep relief, you can perform acupressure sessions several times a day, as needed.

            Depending on your tolerance and availability, an acupressure session may last anywhere from five to fifteen minutes. Longer, less frequent sessions might be less manageable and effective than shorter, more frequent ones.

            Keep an eye on how your body reacts to acupressure; pay attention to what it has to say and adjust the frequency and length of sessions accordingly. 



            Period cramp relief with acupressure provides a safe, all-natural alternative to traditional pain management techniques. Acupressure is a technique that helps lessen period cramps and ease menstrual discomfort by gently pressing on certain body points.

            Whether gently massaging the LV3 point on the foot, applying pressure to the GV4 point on the lower abdomen, or using other acupressure techniques, experimenting with different approaches can empower you to find effective relief from period cramps. 

            Keep in mind that everyone experiences acupressure differently, so don't be afraid to experiment to see what works best for you. 


            Bid farewell to Period Woes with Qnix Period Underwear

            Wait! Can I do that? Yes! Why not?

            All your discomfort, stains, stress, and restriction will take a back seat or, instead, will be packed in the boot of the car, and you will be able to drive through the roads of menstruation smoothly.

            Qnix Period Underwear allows you to stretch your legs wide without worrying about stains and provides your lower abdomen with a feather-like touch to ease cramps. 

            "Ready to experience even more comfort during your period? 

            Try our revolutionary period underwear now! Designed for ultimate protection and comfort, our USP product will change the way you experience your period.

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